Yesterday our Year 9 Film and Media students filmed on location at Drayton Manor Park, they completed their filming task, collaborating with others from different groups to develop a clear narrative, whilst experimenting with shot types and camera movement.
The weather held out and the students were a joy to spend time with! Thank you to all staff that accompanied us and also our fabulous Sixth Form Ambassadors!
It’s now time for editing, ready for our Film and Media Festival!
These are some comments from attending students:
Connor – “It was a thrilling day and I enjoyed filming on location!”
Holly – “It was great to go to Drayton Manor as it gave us much more of a variety of locations to film our music video in a set amount of time.”
Lexi – “It was really good to collaborate with other people from different Media and Film classes and my favourite ride was Apocalypse”
Other student – “I felt like I was given more responsibility and I really enjoyed myself”
Well done Year 9!
Ms Hotten
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