
“Our mission is to inspire all our students to make the best transition possible into the right choice for their next steps, whether that is employment, further or higher education, and to support in the development of the skills needed to manage a fulfilling career in a changing world.”

All Myton School’s careers activities are developed in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance:

  • A stable careers programme
  • Learning from career and labour market information
  • Addressing the needs of each pupil
  • Linking curriculum learning to careers
  • Encounters with employers and employees
  • Experiences of workplaces
  • Encounters with further and higher education
  • Personal guidance

What to expect year by year

Year 7 – Knowing Me

  • Introduction to Careers, Career Advisor and resources.
  • Assemblies/workshops by colleges, training providers, universities and employers.
  • Introduction to online career resources (Unifrog).
  • Employer talks/engagement.
  • Unifrog career sessions (minimum 1 per term).
  • Employer/university visits.

Year 8 – Future Careers

  • Assemblies/workshops by colleges, training providers, universities and employers.
  • Access to career resources e.g. Careers library, Unifrog.
  • Unifrog career sessions (minimum 1 per term).
  • Employer talks/engagement.
  • Employer/university visits.

Year 9 – Option Choices

  • Assemblies/workshops by colleges, training providers, universities and employers.
  • Access to career resources e.g. Careers library, Unifrog.
  • Unifrog career sessions (minimum 1 per term).
  • Career Detective Workshops
  • Employer/university visits.
  • GCSE Choices workshop.
  • A Careers/Apprenticeships Fair for students and parents/carers. An opportunity to meet employers, training providers and universities and hear them talk about routes into professions and careers.
  • One to one career guidance interviews available on request.

Year 10 – Developing Employability Skills

  • Assemblies/workshops by colleges, training providers, universities and employers.
  • Access to career resources e.g. Careers library, Unifrog.
  • Unifrog career sessions (minimum 1 per term).
  • Employer/university visits.
  • A Careers/Apprenticeships Fair for students and parents/carers. An opportunity to meet employers, training providers and universities and hear them talk about routes into professions and careers.
  • Targeted career guidance interviews.
  • Our Careers Adviser will be available for consultation at the Parents’ Evening.
  • Taster sessions with employers/colleges.
  • Post 16 Options sessions in July.
  • Work experience/work shadowing.
  • One to one career guidance interviews available on request.
  • Support with CV writing, including How to write your CVDos and Don’ts – Writing a CV and Covering Letter, an Example CV and a Word CV template.

Year 11 – Next Steps

  • Assemblies/workshops by colleges, training providers, universities and employers.
  • Access to career resources e.g. Careers library, Unifrog.
  • Unifrog career sessions (minimum 1 per term).
  • Employer/university visits.
  • Post 16 Options assemblies and workshops on Sixth Form, further education and apprenticeships.
  • Open evenings for colleges to be advertised to students throughout the term.
  • Myton School Sixth Form open evening – mid November.
  • Our Careers Adviser will be available for consultation at the Parents’ Evening.
  • Mock interviews offered to all students from local employers.
  • One-to-one career guidance interviews available in autumn and spring terms for help with decisions about post 16 Options.
  • Next steps booklet – Post 16
  • Details of Warwickshire College, Stratford College and Coventry College’s Open Events.
  • A Careers/Apprenticeships Fair for students and parents/carers. An opportunity to meet employers, training providers and universities and hear them talk about routes into professions and careers.
  • Our Careers Adviser is available for one-to-one support on GCSE Results Day in August.

Year 12 – Exploring Your Future Options

  • Assemblies/workshops by colleges, training providers, universities and employers.
  • Access to career resources e.g. Careers library, Unifrog.
  • Unifrog career sessions (minimum 1 per term).
  • Employer/university visits.
  • GCSE Choices workshop.
  • A Careers/Apprenticeships Fair for students and parents/carers. An opportunity to meet employers, training providers and universities and hear them talk about routes into professions and careers.
  • One to one career guidance interviews available on request.

Work Experience Presentation

Work Experience Handbook

Year 13 – Making Decisions & Applications

  • Assemblies/workshops by colleges, training providers, universities and employers.
  • Unifrog career sessions (minimum 1 per term).
  • Employer/university visits.
  • A Careers/Apprenticeships Fair for students and parents/carers. An opportunity to meet employers, training providers and universities and hear them talk about routes into professions and careers
  • Access to career resources e.g. Careers library, Unifrog.
  • One-to-one support available as needed for help with final decisions re degree choices and with applications for apprenticeships, higher apprenticeships and school leaver schemes.
  • Our Careers Advisor is available for one-to-one support on A Level Results Day in August.
  • Next steps booklet – Post 18

For further information or advice please contact Mrs C Wedgbrow, [email protected], 01926 493805 ext 219.

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