Dear Parents and Carers
Well today’s lunchtime was a messy one. Our students have been queuing up (literally) for the chance to pie their teacher – all in the name of charity of course.
The event was organised by our Sixth Form Student Leaders to raise money for the Oddballs Foundation (a charity raising awareness of testicular cancer), who also came to support the event.
Thank you to the Sixth Formers who planned and led the event so brilliantly, to all those students who took part, to the Oddballs Foundation….and a massive thanks to the teachers who volunteered to be pied. Such good sports.
And of course, behind all of the shaving foam, silliness and fun was an important message. Testicular cancer is the prominent cancer in men aged 15-35, but is over 90% curable if caught early.
So, aside from the money raised (we will let you know how much next week) we hope everyone took away the reminder to regularly check themselves, and to speak to their doctor if they have any concerns.
Best wishes
Andy Perry