New Parents

Welcome from Mr Hibbard, Head of Year 7

Hello everyone,

It gives me great pleasure to introduce myself as Head of Year 7 at Myton School and to extend a warm welcome to you and your child. As Head of Year I will be overseeing the pastoral care that your child receives, together with my team of dedicated tutors who specialise in the transition from primary to secondary school.

As an experienced Head of Year, I will be working closely with you to ensure we prepare your child for the transition to secondary school so that they have the best possible chance to achieve our aim: for all students to achieve lifelong success. We will be working together to understand how our school values shape the work we do.

One area of focus for Year 7 is that every child is involved in trying out new activities, both in and out of the classroom. I encourage all students to embrace these challenges and to try something new and look forward to seeing them develop their confidence and expertise in a wide range of activities.

I look forward to meeting you all soon.

Kind Regards,

Mr Hibbard – Head of Year 7

Useful information

Letters from Year 7 Students

The students who joined us in September 2023 wrote letters to their primary school, telling their former teachers and friends in Years 5 & 6 about their experience of secondary school so far. We’ve pulled some of these letters together into a newsletter.

Weekly News

for week ending Friday, 11 October 2024.

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Upcoming Events

School events that are happening over the next few weeks.

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