Dear Parents and Carers
Many thanks to all the parents and students who came along to our Year 8 Options Evening this week. It marks the start of an exciting time for Year 8 students who are now thinking about their strengths and interests, what they enjoy doing, and possible career paths they might like to pursue. We hope you have received enough information to inform your choices at this stage.
Inspiring our students to think ahead to their future careers was also on the agenda last night as we held our annual Careers Fair. Attending were over 70 exhibitors including: universities, apprenticeship providers and colleges, along with representatives from engineering, the NHS, IT, law, accountancy, town planning, surveying, hospitality, estate agency, banking, youth work, outdoor education, hairdressing, the police, army and RAF and theatre.
As I said last week, we can’t predict or even imagine some of the careers our children’s generation will have, as the world of work will change beyond recognition. I hope last night’s event will have given them food for thought and sparked some fruitful conversations. Thank you to all those families who came along and to the many exhibitors who made it such an interesting and varied event.
Our Careers Advisor Garry Coffey ([email protected]) is available to answer your careers queries and offer advice. In addition, any options-related questions can be answered by Mr Jones ([email protected]), Mrs Atkins ([email protected]) or your child’s form tutor.
With best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher