Students from one of our new sixth form courses – the BTEC in Digital Games Production – visited Unit 2 Games in Leamington on Tuesday 5 November.
The students were given an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of the studio, they heard talks from different departments in the company, took part in a Q&A session and were given career tips and tricks as well as freebies such as mouse mats and mugs. Unit 2 Games is a thriving local gaming company who are working on an exciting project called ‘Crayta’: a new collaborative game development platform.
Head of Media and Film Studies Mr Lowe said, “I’m really grateful to Unit 2 for hosting us. It was so exciting and interesting to be allowed to see how a huge game is developed and for the students to learn more about the gaming industry on their doorstep. I’m hoping that the students who chose this course will be at the front of the queue for jobs one day in this area.”
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