World Book Day on Thursday 3 March was a great success this year.
Non-uniform or fancy dress was the order of the day for Year 7s with prizes awarded by Mrs Burniston and Mrs De Swardt for the best costumes in the year group. There were also some excellent staff efforts (LEFT: Mr Stone, Head of Year 7, with Chloe and Laila).
During Period 3 (11.30am – 12.30pm) Year 7s came together in the Upper School Hall (RIGHT) to watch a special live World Book Day broadcast, called ‘Reality Check: Books as a Portal into Life Today.’ Everyone explored how books can be a great way to consider and discuss issues and ideas which appear in everyday life.
(LEFT) Year 8 students were able to interview performer Lucy Payne and a selection of students from Year 8 and 9 were chosen to interview supported by Year 12 ambassadors Aaron and Priya.
(RIGHT) Over in the Learning Resource Centre (LRC) children were welcomed by Mrs Thompson, LRC Manager and Mrs Drage, LRC Assistant, who were dressed as the Mad Hatter and Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.
(BELOW) Staff from the Learning, Inclusion and Nurture Centre (LINC) supported the activity as characters from Winnie The Pooh.
Finally, the English department showed the wide range of reading material available to children on its amazing, specially-decorated classroom doors:
Thank you to all those involved with this great opportunity for the children! Enjoy spending your vouchers!
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