It has been a busy time for sporting clubs recently, especially after the restrictions faced during the past 18months. It is great to see so many students getting involved with the extra-curricular activities on offer and joining in the matches and competitions against other schools. Please see the updates below:
- The local Netball tournaments for Years 9 and 10 have taken place, with the Year 10s finishing in 3rd place and the Year 9s in 2nd.
- Local 7 a-side Hockey tournaments for Years 9-11 boys and Years 7-8 boys have also taken place at Stratford with Years 9-11 finishing in 2nd place and Years 7-8 gaining 3rd place behind KES and Alcester Grammar.
- Year 10 football team have won their first District Cup game 2-0 against NLS.
- Year 10 rugby team have won their first 2 games of the season quite convincingly
- Year 9 netball team have won their first 2 league games of the season.
- Two teams have been sent to the Warwickshire Cross Country Cup competition and we have Years 9-10 and Year 8 involved in trampolining sessions at Jump in.
- Several students have taken Street Dance exams following involvement in the Friday Street Dance Club.
We have had many more fixtures on top of these and have more to come. Watch out for further information on the PE noticeboards and in the Weekly News. Details for students regarding fixtures and practices will be provided on Satchel One.
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