16-19 Bursary and Financial Support Post 18

Statement on the Administration and Distribution of the 16-19 Bursary Fund Scheme 2024-25

The 16–19 bursary fund aims to help to ensure every young person can participate in and benefit from a place in 16–19 education. Students from defined vulnerable groups or those experiencing the greatest financial disadvantages will receive support from the fund.

Bursary payments are intended to meet participation-related costs only (e.g. transport, educational visits, books and equipment, university open day visits and interviews) and will be targeted at individual students.

A contingency fund will be retained to meet the needs of students whose financial circumstances change during the year.

The school will manage the number and size of discretionary bursaries in order to keep within the budget of the funds available.


  • To be eligible to receive a bursary in the 2024-25 academic year you must be aged 16 or over and under 19 on 31 August 2024.
  • You must be ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom.
  • You must be participating in a Sixth Form course at Myton School which lasts for 30 weeks or more.

About the fund

The fund has two elements:

1. A bursary worth up to £1,200 per year for young people who have a financial need and who are in the following defined vulnerable groups:

  • In care
  • Care leavers
  • Young people in receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit in their own right
  • Disabled young people in receipt of both Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments.

2. Discretionary awards made by the school to young people in ways that best fit their needs and circumstances and which are targeted at those who face the greatest financial barriers to participation.

The school has based its assessment criteria for eligibility for a discretionary bursary on the needs and circumstances of our young people and subject to equalities legislation, as follows:

  • Students from households on incomes less than £30,000 per year
  • Any other circumstances which may lead to barriers to participation e.g. young carers, sudden financial hardship, number of siblings etc

The level of financial support offered will relate to actual financial need and will be tailored to individual circumstances.

How to apply

If you think you may be entitled to either a vulnerable student or discretionary bursary please complete the application form and submit it during the summer holidays or at the start of the autumn term. The closing date for applications is Friday 6 September however if funding is still available, you can apply after this date.

Go to the online application form.

All information received will be treated in strictest confidence and copies of evidence of eligibility will be retained and stored securely for audit purposes.

If your circumstances change during the year and you suddenly fall into the criteria above, you may apply for assistance at any time.

Assessment and payment of bursaries

Receipt of both vulnerable student and discretionary bursaries will be conditional on you meeting the following agreed standards:

  • At least 95% attendance, no unauthorised absence and minimal lateness
  • Making at least satisfactory progress and completing course requirements
  • Adherence to the Myton School Code of Conduct

Using the criteria above, a decision panel (comprising of the Director of Post 16 Pastoral Care, Post 16 Support Tutor and the Finance Manager) will meet and assess your individual need for financial support based on your circumstances, the family income evidence supplied, the participation costs being claimed and the funds available. You will be notified in writing of the award decision made by 23 September 2024.

In accordance with the Education Funding Agency 16-19 Bursary Fund Guidelines for 2024-25 – best practice, Myton School will be paying all bursaries ‘in kind’ rather than cash. For example providing funding for curriculum trips/visits, provision of stationary boxes each term, curriculum materials and equipment – textbooks, revision guides, clothing allowance, laptop scheme, funding for university visits. Purchasing of books/equipment where possible should be done via the schools finance office to ensure achievement of value for money. All purchases will need prior approval that they fall within the bursary guidelines.


Interest free loans from The Charity of Sir Thomas White, Warwick.

Find out more about financial help you might qualify for with the Myton Bursary Fund Scheme.

The Warwick Apprenticing Charities have funding available for young people who live in the CV34 postcode area. Students over 15 could receive a full grant for an Outward Bound Course and those attending college or university could be eligible for a grant towards their fees, text books and other materials.

Go to the Warwick Apprenticing Charities website for more information and the application forms.

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