A reminder that all students should wear cycle helmets if travelling to school by bike. Headway, the brain injury association, launched its 2020 ‘Use your Melon’ campaign to encourage people to wear helmets, particularly children who don’t possess the same level of competency as adults.
Myton Road is very busy first thing in the morning so please remind children to stay safe and continue developing road and traffic awareness during their journeys to and from school. It can be hard for motorists to see cyclists and pedestrians when it is busy so students should find a safe place to cross, and always using a pedestrian crossing.
The school has a large number of cycle users and everyone should continue to consider pedestrians. Please remember that there are others using the roads and the foot and cycle paths within St Nicholas Park, particularly families with young children heading to and from school. Please ensure your child is aware of the notification from Warwickshire County Council on cycle path updates over the next few weeks.
Myton students should be polite and courteous at all times.
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