Parents and Carers are able to take advantage of a number of free online courses, from training provider AIM, to help better understand key issues around young people’s mental health and wellbeing.
There are over 30 to choose from including:
- Understanding Children and Young People’s Mental Health (understand factors which may affect Young People’s mental health, the impact that they have and how to support those with these issues)
- Understanding Behaviour That Challenges (supporting positive behaviour; effective communication; and how to manage challenging behaviour)
- Understanding Autism (learn how individuals process sensory information; understand characteristics; understand conditions; and learn how speech, language and communication differ in people with Autism)
- Understanding Specific Learning Difficulties (understand characteristics of ADHD, ADD, Dyslexia & Dyscalculia; the importance of early diagnosis; and assessment methods available to diagnose learning difficulties)
Eligibility criteria
- Aged 19 or over on or before 31 August 2021
- Have lived in the UK/EU for three+ years
- Not already on a Government funded course (Apprenticeship for example)
If you are interested in undertaking one of these courses, please complete this form.
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