Dear Parents and Carers
We have had a busy and eventful start to the academic year (and this year for all the right reasons) with a half term packed with great activities, events and trips. We’ve had (among others) Art and Photography trips to Birmingham, a visit to Cadbury’s World, fieldtrips to Shrewsbury and Carding Mill Valley and students start their root to shoots project at Mallory Court Hotel. We have welcomed guests to deliver workshops in school, from the NCS providing skills booster sessions to Explorer Dome, who brought their immersive planetary dome experience to our Year 9s. Our sport teams have celebrated successes and as you will read this week, the KS3 debating club have debated their way into a competition semi-final. We ended Black History Month with an African dance workshop and disco (you can read an excellent write up of this in this week’s newsletter by Year 13 student Izzie).
Our next big event in the calendar is our Sixth Form Open Evening, which takes place on Thursday 14 November. We hope to see lots of our Year 11 students and their families there. It’s a great opportunity to see our new Sixth Form Centre, learn about the subjects on offer, talk to current Sixth Formers and meet teaching staff.
Have a great half term.
Best wishes
Andy Perry