As can be seen from these external photos, the new Sixth Form/teaching block is progressing well and remains on schedule to be completed by the end of August 2023 in time to welcome Oakley School’s new Year 7 students who will occupy the building for their first academic year. The internal works, whilst less visible from the outside, are also gathering pace and the outline of the various classrooms, offices, dining area and corridors are emerging. Now comes that somewhat nerve-racking stage of choosing colours – the colour of the chairs, the colour of the walls, the colour of the carpets, the colour of the desks …….. the list goes on and on. Who knew there would be so many decisions to be made!!
Myton staff are enjoying working with Stowe Valley MAT and the newly appointed Head Teacher of Oakley School to ensure that their vision for the educational experience of their Year 7 pupils is supported by the exciting new building that they will be occupying for 2023/24.
Myton’s amazing Sixth Form leaders are also involved in the planning to ensure that longer term, this new building continues the ongoing success of our Outstanding Sixth Form.
A special mention also has to be made to Warwickshire County Council as without their on-going support and collaboration, this project would not be happening. Watch this space for the next update!