This week, we asked our Science Department to nominate those students whose work their teachers think should be celebrated. We’ve sent electronic postcards home for these students. Congratulations to Kamilla in Year 7 who has also been nominated for the Head Teacher’s Award.
Year 7
Isabelle S – For consistently high quality and beautifully presented science work.
Kamilla K – A strong, consistent effort throughout. Work is detailed and well thought out. She has impressed Mrs Farmer with her recent work on Sound.
Amanath S – For taking part in the IET Faraday Challenge and designing a lifesaving raft and delivery system to people in flood-hit disaster zones.
Callum F – He always puts 100% effort in and always sends the work he completes! He’s also done some great work investigating the footprints of garden visitors as part of the Wildlife Trust ’30 Days Wild’ activity that Mr Hobbs set as an extra challenge (see photo below of Callum recording hedgehog footprints).
Year 8
Freya M – Always produces high quality, detailed work.
Julia D – Dedicated to her work, lots of detail in her writing.
Charlie B – Always puts a lot of effort into tasks.
Vivek G – For taking part in the IET Faraday Challenge and designing a lifesaving raft and delivery system to people in flood hit disaster zones. You can see Vivek’s presentation here: Faraday Challenge.
Bethany P – She consistently submits high quality, beautifully presented work that she has completed at home.
Jack S – He produced some really fantastic work on ultrasound and UV light.
Year 9
Eli W – Very proactive about completing his work and seeks help when he needs it.
Year 10
Alex S – Has completed a Crest award and has produced an amazing presentation on palm oil.
Rohit S – Consistent effort in his science work.
Alfie R – For having a great work ethic and producing some really detailed, high quality work at home.
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