This week, we asked our Music Department to nominate those students whose work their teachers think should be celebrated. We’ve sent electronic postcards home for these students. Congratulations to Olly in Year 7 who has also been nominated for the Head Teacher’s Award.
Year 7
Ella C for beautifully presented and well-researched work on Indonesian Gamelan in particular. See her presentation here: Gamelan presentation
Olly S for completing every piece of work set to a high standard, as well as completing extension tasks including making a video of his performance as a one man samba band for our ‘World Rhythms’ topic, using kitchen utensils for instruments! Fantastic effort!
Year 8
Gustavo E for completing work on time and attempting all tasks set, including producing a very funky loops composition using the online program Bandlab.
Ellie B for completing all work set to a very high standard. This included some very detailed research as part of our Pop music project, and recording herself playing the 12 bar blues chord pattern.
Year 9
Holly P for some excellent listening work, perceptive responses with great use of musical vocabulary, and for using an exemplar answer to improve her work.
James T for showing resilience and determination by working really hard at music theory and improving his understanding of the circle of fifths, key signatures, and major and minor key relations, demonstrated through improved scores in theory tests.
Year 10
Sam K for excellent listening work – consistently scoring 95-100% in GCSE practice questions by applying knowledge learnt in school and revised during lockdown.
Rohan B for composition work during lockdown, responding to feedback given and making improvements to an already high standard of work.
Year 11
Guillaume M for demonstrating commitment to continuing with composition and performance work after GCSE exams were cancelled and engaging with transition work for A level.
Devon R for managing to complete all of her coursework before lockdown and for already submitting her transition work for A level.
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