This week, we asked our Humanities/Geography Department to nominate those students whose work their teachers think should be celebrated. We’ve sent electronic postcards home to everyone mentioned here.
Year 7
Oliver R – Exceptional effort put into all tasks. It has been very clear how much time and thought has gone into the work and the presentation of it.
Jasleen B – Worked diligently throughout lockdown. Some superb projects in History.
Holly T – For working hard in humanities, completing work with detail and listening to feedback.
Shiyne B – Consistent hard work in humanities throughout lockdown. Every single piece of work has been sent in and is presented beautifully. Well done Shiyne – you have work so hard and it has been recognised by us!
Year 8
Rhiannon H – For superb attention to detail and an excellent work ethic.
Isaac D – High level of work and effort in all the tasks set. Great attention to detail and coping well with the complex issues being covered in geography.
Sam G – Wonderful work throughout lockdown, especially with the Haiti and Japan project, showing superb research skills. Well done!
Year 9
Emma D – For consistently completing work to a high standard and asking when she finds something challenging.
Jamie P – For continually working to the best of his ability and submitting work to a high standard.
Rayna N – Worked hard throughout the lockdown period and continuously asked for more help/guidance to stretch herself.
Year 10
Ranveer B – For exceptional effort in all lessons. Asked some great questions and took on board the feedback.
Felicia W – Her work submitted for each lesson is of a high standard and she asks questions when needed.
Year 12
Logan D – For attention to detail, asking for help and then making significant progress on his work. Great motivation.
Grace R – For showing attention to detail, a high work ethic and great explanations of difficult and complex issues.
Ria S – For working hard throughout lockdown and showing an excellent level of independence.
Sophie J – For being instrumental at the start of lockdown at organising students and staff to get virtual live lessons rolling.
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