This week, Year 7 parents should have received an email from us with the login details for the 50 Things Challenge, including username, password and a help sheet. Please log into the website with your child.
We’ve also set all Year 7 students a homework which includes a video for them to watch and a ‘homework’ video for parents and carers too.
The wallcharts and stickers will be arriving home very shortly. Please display them somewhere prominent and encourage your child to register and record on the wall chart and the website, every time they complete a challenge. If there are any challenges they’ve already completed, these can be logged immediately – they do not need to do them again.
If your child is in Year 8 or 9 and new to Myton, they will also receive a wall chart and stickers shortly, and will be set the same homework task to introduce them to the 50 Things Challenge. Any other student in Year 8 or 9 who needs assistance with the challenge, please see Mr Jones around school.
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