Today we said goodbye to our Year 13s!
The Year 13s were pictured in the Amphitheatre yesterday, together with the Sixth Form teaching and support team before heading off for afternoon tea. This morning everyone was treated to a leavers’ breakfast of croissants and fruit before having their last ever Myton form photograph taken.
Finally, Deputy Head of Sixth Form, Mrs Millington, was touched to receive a farewell gift from her Year 13 language students – a cardboard cut out of Daniel Craig.
“I’ve used the actor as an example in my French lessons when teaching – the class were exceptional linguists, so I can only imagine he has had a positive impact on their linguistic education!” said Mrs Millington.
Although everyone said their goodbyes today they return to school next week for supported study and exams. Good luck Year 13s and all the very best for the future from everyone at Myton School!
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