With careful planning, and some gentle encouragement, our Year 12 students completed their work experience week between 23 and 27 May.
The week offered students the freedom and opportunity to develop their professional skills, and explore some interesting future careers in readiness for the all important job, apprenticeship, and university applications.
Compared to the mostly online-only work experience week from 2021, this year saw businesses open their doors for more ‘hands-on’ placements, according to Mr Garner, Head of Year 12 and Assistant Head of Sixth Form.
“An impressive 80% of the year were able to arrange placements, leaving the remaining students in school to either sit their important external exams or complete massive online open courses (MOOCs) to develop their skills and explore their interests,” he said.
Now back at school, students have shared their week’s highlights, including:
- Alex toured the Rolls Royce training facility, learning key practices behind building jet engines.
- Lukas viewed and handled priceless historical documents dating back to the 12th Century with the Warwickshire County Records Office.
- Rohan created music with The Culprit Music, to be used by the BBC.
- Hannah worked with experienced artists to develop her skills of landscape painting at Elegant Cutter in Warwick.
- Abigail attended the City of Culture Conference with The Albany Theatre in Coventry to network with a large selection of artistic groups.
- Completion of MOOCs in school: Felicia studied prisons and explored their suitability as a punishment and deterrent for offenders, while Max considered the positive effects of books and the importance of reading.
- One student flew out to Cotonou, located in Sub-Saharan Africa, and worked with the International Association of Ahmadi Architects & Engineers (IAAAE). During the two-week work experience a number of remote villages were visited, and alternative energy installations were planned out to supply electricity and fresh water where there was none before!
“We are immensely proud of all our students’ work experience, this week has proven to be a valuable opportunity to learn new skills, build upon old ones, and begin to network in preparation for those next stages of life beyond Myton Sixth Form!” added Mr Garner.
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