Just before half term Mr Stone, Mr Larner and Mrs Santos took a group of Year 8 students to Barcelona. Hannah and Samira kindly agreed to let us all know how it went.
“Spain was a magnificent experience; we were lucky enough to be able to learn about the culture and the language, and we visited some of Spain’s famous monuments. Going to Spain increased our confidence as we explored the real world. Every day was a new adventure full of fun. Spain was an opportunity to talk to new people you never would have thought to talk to. All of the teachers made the trip safe and very fun with lots of laughter.
Some of the places we visited were: Camp Nou, Las Ramblas, Teatre-Museu Dali (which was very interesting), an amazing water park and much more.
Samira’s favourite part of Spain was Camp Nou. The football stadium was a fantastic experience and, as her favourite team won there, she found it even better. Camp Nou also taught her lots about Barcelona Football Club. Hannah’s favourite part of Spain was Las Ramblas and the Salvador Dali Museum. Las Ramblas was brilliant because the markets showed Spain’s beautiful culture; the shops were fantastic (lots of them she’d never been to before). She liked the Salvador Dali Museum because it was so interesting and she loved the meaning of the art.
We both really enjoyed going to the beach in the day and also in the evening because it was relaxing and we were able to talk to everyone. Also when we had free time we were able to go for a walk by the sea. Overall we are so grateful for such an amazing trip that has developed our knowledge and confidence.”
By Hannah George and Samira Dhaliwal
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