Today the school has been awash with blue and yellow as many children and staff took advantage of non-uniform day to dress in the colours of the Ukrainian flag.
The fundraising day was organised in response to students who expressed a wish to donate funds to the
Ukrainian people.
Photos were taken to record the occasion with a group of Year 7 children on the main entrance steps (see if you can spot school dog, Willow, pictured far left with Jacob); and in the Amphitheatre (pictured top) where the Sixth Form gathered in their blue and yellow outfits.
Throughout the day Year 13s have been selling blue and yellow wristbands at £1 each. Stocks are now running low so Mr Apostol and the Sixth Form Charity Committee, headed by Miya, will be ordering more for sale next week.
The Ukrainian flag has been flown at school today and will be a feature on the flagpole every Friday until further notice.
Parents and Carers were asked to make voluntary contributions via ParentsPay. To date the total stands at an impressive £2,500 which will be matched by the government and go via the Red Cross to the DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee).
Thank you (or ‘Дякую’ in Ukrainian) for your amazing donations! We will let you know the final total in due course.
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