… yesterday (Thursday) when the Learning Resource Centre (LRC) was turned into a world of wizardry for Year 7s who were welcomed into the library which was totally transformed into Hogwarts for an after school Harry Potter event.
The LRC team and band of helpers organised a wide range of free activities, including Wand Making, Origami Challenge, Design a Sock for Dobby, Where’s Harry?, Making a Quiz, Horcrux Hunt, Herbology and a Potions class provided by the Science Department. And Mrs Jones brought along some creepy crawlies to add to the atmosphere!
Mrs Francis was there to act as Master of Ceremonies assisted by the LRC team, Mrs Thompson, Miss Sharpe and Mrs Drage plus Mrs de Swardt and Mrs Bellisario. Student Librarians Dylan W and Alfie H also supported along with Year 12 volunteers, Aryan, Julia, Simran and Dan. Prizes during the evening included Harry Potter mugs, stationery, pencil cases and books. Students left having indulged in Harry Potter refreshments, carrying their wands, having planted seeds and made pet pygmy puffs.
Thanks to all the children and staff who took part – including Mrs Frances, Mrs Burniston, Mrs Ronan, Mr Wallis and Mrs Jones who helped with the preparation – and made the afternoon such an enjoyable event. The LRC team is already planning a similar activity for 2023 based on this year’s success.