On Thursday 2 May, two teams of six students went to Cranmore Park in Shirley to present their engineering projects to senior engineers and other teams. The students had to explain how they developed their prototypes and they answered some really tough questions from the panel.
Mr Kaye said: “Both teams did very well and did a good job of representing the school and their respective industry mentors. Thanks to mentors Osama, Trang and Ben from Jaguar Land Rover and James from 920E for all your hard work and encouragement.”
Well done to all the students involved: Jasmeet Gerwal, Rohan Sharma, Aron Jahj, Rhys Morgan, Georgia Devlin, Izzy Komarsinha, Sam Kesnet, Chris Reynold, Ishwar Kangura, Adam Sokal, Mathew Jijo and Harpal Sandu.
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