Dear Parents and Carers
Following on from my message last week, I am extremely pleased to advise that three of our students were elected on Saturday to serve on the Warwick Youth Council. Sabrina in Year 11 has been elected as Chair, Caterina in Year 11 will serve as Creative & Projects Officer, and Freya in Year 10 as Campaigns & Fundraising Officer. They will represent young people in Warwick, working on issues that affect them such as Mental Health & Wellbeing, Diversity & Inclusion and Environment & Sustainability. In July, together with the other elected members, they will visit London for a guided tour of the Houses of Parliament. Thank you to Matt Western’s office for facilitating this exciting trip, which I’m sure is only one of the many experiences they will have during their time in office. Well done to them all, this is an outstanding achievement, and I look forward to seeing how their political futures progress!
We would also like to bid a fond farewell to our Year 13s who have started their study leave today. Good luck in your exams, and we wish you every success in the future.
Best wishes
Andy Perry
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