A plea to all children cycling on Europa Way to stay safe and continue developing road and traffic awareness.
It can be hard for motorists to see cyclists and pedestrians and, as there are currently no official pedestrian or cycle routes out of the new housing developments, children should negotiate Europa Way and its roundabouts with care. Children should always wear a bike helmet.
The Myton Road is also busy so please stress to your child the importance of stopping and looking at junctions to check for cars, always finding a safe place to cross using a pedestrian crossing. It’s not always possible for drivers to see cyclists (and pedestrians) in time to stop, especially when visibility is limited by obstructions.
The school has a large number of cycle users and everyone should continue to consider pedestrians. Please remember that there are others using the roads and the foot and cycle paths within St Nicholas Park, particularly families with young children heading to and from school.
Many thanks.
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