School Dance students have been busy over the past week.
Central Warwickshire Street Dance Competition Winners
Around 45 students were involved in the Central Warwickshire Street Dance Competition at Kings High which followed on from a virtual event last year.
Competing against Kings High, Kingsley, Campion and Aylesford, the Myton team won four different categories:
- Key Stage 3 (KS3) group own choreography winners
- KS3 duet own choreography winners
- Yr 7/7 set choreography winners
- Yr 10/11 own choreography winners
Head of PE, Miss Cole, said the Myton children behaved impeccably and supported all performances positively.
In School Dance Workshop
Yr 10 and Yr 11 children were involved in an online dance workshop on Monday (top and above).
30 students were involved in the event, learning Akram Khan’s Professional repertoire ‘Big God’ for component 2 BTech Dance.
The group spent four hours in the Lower School Hall learning moves for a two minute performance which Mrs Stringer, Head of Performing Arts, plans to film in two weeks’ time.
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