There is £100 up for grabs in a competition from Ofcom, which regulates TV, radio, mobile and ‘on demand’ services in the UK.Ofcom recently gained new responsibilities for regulating Video Sharing Platforms which are services teenagers commonly use, particularly Snapchat, TikTok and Twitch.
The regulator is keen to encourage views from secondary school children on ‘What changes are needed to make social video platforms a kinder, safer place for young people?’ Entries can be made via video or as a short written piece and Teacher of ICT & Computing, Mr Johnson, said half term could be a good opportunity for Myton students to take part. The closing date for entries is Friday 25 February.
Details have been loaded as a Flexible Task on Satchel One and sent to Years 11, 12 and 13 and can be accessed via mobile phones.
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