Dear Parents and Carers
Thank you to all those who visited us on Wednesday for our Sixth Form Open Evening. It was a really busy night with great attendance from our own Year 11 students and those from a range of local schools. Thanks also to the staff and Sixth Form volunteers who made everyone so welcome.
We especially enjoyed showing off our new Sixth Form building on Wednesday. It’s worth remembering that by the time these students start in Year 12 next September, our guests from Oakley School will have moved into their own new buildings. This will provide our Sixth Formers with their own canteen in the new block, two lovely big study spaces (one is for silent study, the other for collaborative work) and many of their classes will also take place there.
Hopefully by then we will have the solar panels fitted to the roof so our Sixth Formers can enjoy studying in a building powered by green solutions.
In terms of the rest of the site, we have pretty much finalised the designs for our temporary modular village and are working on locations which don’t affect sports, outdoor spaces or interfere with any new build projects. Our staff are making the cabins as comfortable and homely as possible but it is no secret that we are looking forward to this modular village. The draft designs (subject to further tweaks etc) can be found below, which give you an idea of the facilities we will have built by the Spring/Summer. You’ll see the rooms are a lovely size, especially Art and Photography which are very big and will allow our Art and Photography team to recreate the studios they work so well in. We will also have a library of a similar size to the one in Lower School and will get all of our welfare and medical facilities back (we have welfare and medical facilities now but had to evict other colleagues to make room). Music get their own stand-alone block which nearly replaces the one we lost and you may notice no Drama facilities – this is because we are very pleased with the temporary building we currently have, and may opt to keep it for the duration until permanent solutions are complete.
For us, it now all looks very promising and I certainly look forward to seeing all those Year 11 students arrive into Year 12 next September.
Best wishes
Andy Perry

N.B. If you want to zoom into the plans, you can access the pdf versions of the plans here and here.
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