Dear Parents and Carers
This half term has been highly operational as was expected with the highly publicised rates of absence nationwide. However, whilst we have had some challenges, especially around staff absence and cover, we have also had many, many positives with kids making very strong progress in class, trips out and activities. I would like to thank the students for their patience with the cover they have experienced and my staff for going over and above in supporting one another when colleagues have been forced out into periods of isolation. I would also like to thank all the staff who have run trips and activities over the last couple of months making sure our students get these experiences which have been sadly missed over. Here’s just a snapshot of what students have enjoyed since January:
- BTEC Dance Show
- Bikeability Training
- Spanish Theatre Performance
- Yr 9 Loudmouth Safeguarding Workshops
- Yr 12/13 Physics Trip, Switzerland
- DofE In-School Training Day
- Yr 13 Hamlet Trip, Globe Theatre
- Yr 13 ICT/Computer Science Trip, Paris
The only activities we have had to cancel all term have been today and that has been due to the wind.
I hope everybody enjoys the half term and I’ll look forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 28 February.
Best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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