Dear Parents and Carers
Thank you to everyone who visited our Sixth Form Open Evening last night. It was lovely to see so many of our current Year 11s together with a good number of students from other local schools. I hope your children found all the information they need to make their choices for next year, if not, please ask them to speak to subject teachers and/or tutors for further assistance. These are exciting decisions and we are all here to provide support.
The open evening has coincided with Ofqual’s press release on their exam season contingency plans for next summer. Currently everything is aimed at exams going ahead, albeit adjusted to allow for the recent disruptions. The exact nature of these adjustments will become clear around February but it is very obvious that every effort will be made to return to a more recognisable summer exam season and that is certainly what we are planning for. However, a contingency plan is needed and it would be worth taking a glance through this on their website. In short they encourage schools to identify which assessments over this year would be used to inform teacher assessed grades should exams need to be cancelled due to further disruption. Therefore, you may receive letters throughout the year which clarify which assessments would be included. Having said this, education is clearly an absolute priority and I’m sure we can all agree with them on this and hope it will be plan A this time round.
Either way, our Year 11s have a busy and exciting time coming up and lots of decisions to make. Again, it was great to see you all last night and I will look forward to discussing post-16 choices, whether at Myton or elsewhere, as the year goes on.
Best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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