Dear Parents & Carers
As we end this first half term, I would like to give credit once again to the resilience of our students. After all the disruption from Covid, they have overwhelmingly been focused in class, getting on with school as it approaches a semblance of normality and taking part in the growing number of clubs and opportunities which are now able to take place.
I very much enjoyed watching the Year 10s play rugby against both Campion and Aylesford this week, and noted that during the Campion fixture we could all hear the very popular roller disco club echoing out from the sports hall. Last night was the Year 7 Halloween Disco, 180-year 7s swirling around the hall supported by lots and lots of Year 12 volunteers (special thanks to the staff on duty and sorry I couldn’t be there).
These moments remind me of how much they have missed out on. However, walking around the school I do see a sense of determination to get things right as soon as possible and I see kids working hard wherever I look. I have enjoyed watching them getting back into “normal” routines with ease.
Our intervention classes are full to bursting with more scheduled for after half term, please keep an eye out for these classes as they will be expanded across the year groups.
Have a good week – best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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