Dear Parents & Carers
It has felt over the past five weeks like the school is coming back to life somewhat. Over the last couple of weeks we have seen the roller disco experience for the younger students, forest school start up, sports clubs and fixtures, casting and rehearsals for our next production and some construction experience on site. We are seeing trip paperwork being submitted to Governors with increasing regularity and when dropping into the English department meeting on Monday, some very enthusiastic teachers planning theatre visits. This all plays out as kids rush class to class, it feels busy and purposeful – just how it should be. The students I speak to enjoy these extra opportunities and are signing up in droves to take part which is a pleasure to see. This is all, of course, a reaction to the easing of restrictions and I am grateful to all staff who are working to reintroduce all these opportunities to our kids, starting last summer with Newquay and DofE and continuing into this term.
However, I can’t ignore that in the background, secondary schools are seeing a rise in cases of Covid. We have cases here though the numbers remain quite low but experience tells us our turn will come. Nobody wants to see any slowing down of all these experiences that are coming back into school, it is clear to us every day that the kids are far better off out of zones and bubbles and having extra-curricular opportunities to look forward to. With that in mind, please do make sure your children test twice per week and follow the guidance in the event of a positive test or signs of symptoms. The testing is our first line of defence and can hopefully hold all of this back so that the school can continue to come back to life and your children can continue to enjoy their time here.
With best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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