Dear Parents & Carers
On Monday next week, we’ll once again be flying the Pride flag outside the front of school. I’d like to thank HERO, our LGBT+ support group, who have arranged a week of Pride-related education and fundraising events.
In their tutor groups, students will be learning about the history of Pride month, including the Stonewall uprising, key people in the resistance, the birth of Pride parades and the LGBT+ rights movement. We will all be reflecting on the progress that’s been made as well as the injustice and inequality that still exists in society.
Unfortunately, the plan to ‘gunge’ a teacher had to be cancelled due to continuing restrictions, despite an impressive number of teachers stepping forward as volunteers to be gunged! While the events are mostly fun and light-hearted, the underlying message for us as a community is a serious one and one we at Myton stand by wholeheartedly: “Some people are gay, some people are straight, some are bi and some are trans – get over it”.
As obvious as that sounds, two years ago, we received this message from a member of the public: “Passing the school just now, I happened to notice the Pride flag flying outside the school. What a marvellous demonstration of positive inclusive values which reflect great credit on your school community! Who knows the extent of outreach this gesture of solidarity will have? It might give someone courage to keep on going or even save a life.”
With best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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