Dear Parents and Carers
As mentioned last week, we are making a series of adjustments to our school rules. Please look out for a letter emailed to you today which gives details of these changes, including the wearing of facemasks from Monday 17 May and also all the changes being implemented from Monday 7 June.
For this weekly news, I would like to pass over to the elegant prose of our Year 7s who have taken the time to write letters to their old primary schools, detailing some of their experiences, challenging their own expectations and giving advice. They do this so much better than I can; here are a few of them…
…With their personal experiences
- “My first day at Myton School was quite scary because it is a bigger school compared to my primary. I also wasn’t really used to being in an atmosphere like this, but my first few months have been amazing! I have honestly really enjoyed all the different lessons and making new friends.”
- “Myton is a great place to go to school because it gives high quality education without being some sort of Edwardian school with only people who speak like ‘Oh Tarquin, would you care to pass the butter.’”
- “The lessons are very fun and active. You will make loads of new friends you will learn how to read your timetable and you will feel really grown up when you’re walking to your classes.”
- “Secondary school may seem scary at first but all the teachers are always kind to you and if you get lost there are loads of people to help you. If you are worried you may be able to cuddle our school dog Willow.”
- “Overall, at Myton there is always a lesson to look forward to or a teacher or friend that you can’t wait to see every day. But whichever secondary school you go to, it will be one of the best new chapters in your life.”
…With their likes (mostly food-related)
- “My favourite thing at Myton is the food. You can get it even at break. If you feel hungry just pop into the canteen and you can get whatever you want. PS I would recommend the waffles and hotdogs.”
- “I love Spanish – my teacher gives out princess stickers for good behaviour and we are all working towards wearing a tiara in class. It’s a silly goal but makes us smile!”
- “There is so much to do! Recently I did cooking and I made muffins. They were very tasty because I put chocolate in them. You have to wash everything up though.”
- “The food here is amazing there are pizzas, drinks, meatballs, curry and surprise wraps that have literally everything in there.”
…And with their advice
- “Our teachers are kind, supportive, knowledgeable and they always help if you get stuck. To succeed in Myton, be respectful, resilient and willing to learn.”
- “In classrooms, never put your hand under your desk as you will notice yourself touching chewing gum there!”
I hope their old teachers and friends in Year 5 and 6 enjoy reading them as much as we did. Personally, I regret the lack of Edwardian rigour in the school but at least I won’t run out of gum.
Best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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