Dear Parents and Carers
As we are approaching the end of the second week back after lockdown, I have to say that this last fortnight has been remarkable due to the lack of new guidance, screeching U-turns and contradictions. It has almost been peaceful on that front. Yes, there has been a drip feeding of information from exam boards and Ofqual regarding Years 11 and 13, disagreements in the press regarding mask wearing (we are tweaking our rule on this – please look out for the letter), and we certainly want more information on 2022 exams for Years 10 and 12 plus more on summer schools, etc. But overall we have been able to concentrate on the kids in school.
This has been a refreshing change and, as expected, an overwhelming majority of kids have come back in high spirits, ready and wanting to get back on with school and taking an admirably pragmatic view of all they have been through. A few have struggled with the return and I hope we have found those students and have put support in place for them. (If that isn’t the case for your child, please let their tutor or Head of Year know urgently.) A few have returned with some poor habits which we are challenging out of them, and there are some interesting lockdown haircuts to appreciate. But overall, it is great to see them all and spend time with them. There is also a tinge of jealousy as they can now mix and have a level of social interaction which the rest of us can only hope for in a few months, but fingers crossed, we will get there.
We have finally had time to concentrate on school stuff, and we have made some plans for the rest of this academic year which are set out in a letter today – please look out for it. In the meantime, we can be grateful for a blessedly short weekly news message – not a lot to say apart from welcome back to everybody, good start and keep it up.
Best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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