Dear Parents and Carers
Last night, in spite of the terrible weather, we were delighted to welcome such a large number of Year 11 students both from Myton and the surrounding area. We hope the evening provided students and parents with a useful insight into what our sixth form offers students in their progression from post-16 to post-18 education.
We’re grateful to the students from our Sixth Form Senate leadership team and our student subject ambassadors who were on hand to give a flavour of life in the sixth form and highlight their personal experiences of the subjects we have on offer. Through this collaboration we hope we have helped the Year 11 students to make those all-important subject option choices.
Head of Sixth Form, Ms Stevens said: “My sincere thanks to all the students who participated in the Open Evening last night. We received numerous compliments from parents. They were all so impressive showing new families around, helping with car parking, registering visitors and in particular the students who took part in the speeches and music.”
If you were unable to join us last night and would like to arrange a tour, please contact our Sixth Form Team on [email protected]. The Sixth Form prospectus and the application form are both available on the Sixth Form area of our website.
With best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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