Dear Parents and Carers
It was great to see all the Year 8s and their parents yesterday evening. There was a very positive atmosphere throughout, and many happy parents leaving at the end. This parents evening was also a key part of the decision making process for GCSE options and subsequently many parents stopped to speak to staff about their child’s subject choices. Hopefully we were able to help, however as the deadline approaches, if you find your child caught in two minds, please do speak to their tutor, Head of House or class teacher to gain any further information you need.
Thank you to all the parents who took the time to pass on their best wishes regarding Ofsted. The inspection finished on Wednesday evening and we must now wait for the inspectors to go through the process of validating judgements and comments. Once this is done we will share their conclusions. In the meantime, I would like to thank all parents and students who filled in the Ofsted survey in the short time it was available. These views are vital for the inspectors and inform their questions and lines of enquiry.
Thank you for your support.
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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