Huge congratulations to Emma Dodd and Ana-Maria Crastoiu who competed in the national finals of the Modern Languages Spelling Bee at Cambridge University at the weekend. Emma finished 4th in the Spanish category and both girls were in the top 100 out of a total of 28,684 Year 7s from across the country who entered the competition.
Here’s what the girls had to say about the experience:
Emma Dodd: “I wasn’t expecting to get through because the standard was so high. But somehow I did! I was called up first to spell. At the end, the results were revealed and we were presented with our trophies and certificates by the Mayor of Cambridge. It was a great day and I learned a lot.”
Ana-Maria Crastoiu: “I worked hard to get to the finals, learning 200 words and practising a lot. Leading up to my go I was very apprehensive, but when I started spelling I was quick to remember every word and pronounce them clearly. We all left feeling like winners!”
Well done girls. What an amazing achievement!