The exam season has started for our Year 11 students this week with Art and Photography GCSEs. We wish them all well in their exams and will continue to support them with their revision.
All Year 11 will carry on attending school and going to their timetabled lessons (unless they are in an exam) until Friday 19 May.
On Monday 22 May, our exam timetable starts, which means that Year 11 students are only required in school for exams. Teaching staff will be available in their normal classrooms whenever they were timetabled for Year 11 lessons, allowing students to drop in if they need to. This will continue until the end of the exams in late June.
Year 11 will be welcome to use the school for revision after 22 May. They will need to sign in at Upper School Reception and we will publish lists of free classrooms and allow them to use the LRC, the Learning L@tté and sixth form facilities.
There will be a leaving assembly for all Year 11 students on Friday 16 June in Lower School Hall at 10.40am. After the assembly, Year 11 will only be allowed in school if they still have an exam.
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