Many thanks to all the parents and students in Years 7-10 who completed our survey about the new whole-school reading programme, Drop Everything and Read. We have looked at your responses and have some findings to report back to you.
- An overwhelming majority of you (over 85%) know what Drop Everything and Read is and understand the thinking behind it: that frequent reading improves the life chances & emotional intelligence of our children.
- A significant number of parents reported that their children have started to read more since we started Drop Everything and Read. “They went from not reading so much to actively reading for pleasure. Thank you for re-igniting their enthusiasm!”
- Some more reluctant readers have been switched on to reading. “I’m not very intrigued by books but since ‘DEAR’ I’ve started reading books that suit me well.”
- Most students know their reading age and ZPD; as do their parents.
- Most students think that the start of first period is the best time for Drop Everything and Read to take place. (“This is the best time as it gets your brain ready for the day.”)
There were also some very good suggestions for changes we could make and these include:
- A significant number of students and parents thought that Drop Everything and Read shouldn’t happen during PE lessons because exercise is so important for stimulating learning. As a result of this feedback we will make this change from September onwards. Reading will continue in all other lessons because of the research showing that students who read more, do better academically in all subject areas.
- Some parents and students asked for a better selection of books, especially in the higher ZPD range, to be made available in the library. We have ordered new stock for September.
- Some students and parents raised the issue of whether students can read books that are not on the recommended reading lists for their reading ability. We’d like to stress that choosing your own book is an important part of reading for pleasure; however students who are on the Accelerated Reader programme should ideally choose as many books as possible that are at the right level for them, since research shows that is where they make the most progress.
Thank you again for taking the time to give us your feedback. If you would like to talk to us about the reading programme or literacy in general, please contact Julie Stevens, Director of Literacy on [email protected]
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