
Students experience the awe of Science. They are able to explore ideas for themselves and ask questions about how the world works. Students are Scientists in our classrooms, who are able to demonstrate a range of thinking and practical skills. They experience a range of opportunities that allow them to see how these Scientific skills and the knowledge they gain are applicable in everyday life and in the workplace. All students have high quality, inspirational teaching, that allows them to be challenged, pushed to reach their full potential and achieve. Our curriculum has been designed to allow our students to achieve this.


At KS3, we have developed a curriculum that allows them to start to think and behave like Scientists, so that they possess a range of scientific skills and are able to build upon their KS2 knowledge (acknowledging the variation from different feeder schools). The curriculum has:

  • Thematic units, centred around a ‘big question’ that students work towards answering at the end of the unit. Each themed unit allows students to see the relevance of the Science to the real world
  • An intentional opportunity to discuss careers related to the unit, so that students get an insight into the wide variety of applications in the work place
  • Skills development embedded throughout, with most lessons having a scientific skills focus alongside the core knowledge to be taught. In addition, there is a deep investigation per topic to develop planning, analysis and evaluation skills
  • A spiralled approach to delivering new material, with key themes revisited and built upon. This based on Scientific knowledge being split into 8 strands
  • Content is challenging, with a lot material ‘dropped down’ from GCSE courses (especially year 9)
  • Well differentiated lessons, so that all students can achieve their full potential
  • Prove it tasks in all lessons, so that students know what they have learnt
  • An opportunity for synoptic, extended writing at the end of of the unit
  • Trips and STEM experiences available for each year groups, supporting the work that is being delivered in lessons

Year 7 Curriculum Overview

Year 8 Curriculum Overview

Year 9 Curriculum Overview


At KS4 our curriculum has two routes through. Our students are working towards achieving AQA GCSE’s in either Triple Science or Combined Science (Trilogy). Both routes are fully inclusive, so that all students regardless of ability are able to do Triple Science if they wish (approximately 50% of our students choose this route). The purpose of our KS4 is to build upon and refine knowledge and skills gained at KS3, so that it can be applied in a variety of contexts. We also want to build a secure foundation on which the Sciences can be studied at a higher level.

  • Our units have been sequenced to ensure that learning builds in a logical way
  • Scientific skills continue to be developed, building on KS3
  • Career and links to real life are present in every unit
  • Preparation for examinations forms part our lessons – with technique and application modelled through teacher instruction
  • Explicitly teach working scientifically skills alongside theory during practical work

Biology Year 10 Curriculum Overview

Chemistry Year 10 Curriculum Overview

Physics Year 10 Curriculum Overview

Biology Year 11 Curriculum Overview

Chemistry Year 11 Curriculum Overview

Physics Year 11 Curriculum Overview


A Level Biology

The aim of this course is to support and develop our students so that they have a secure foundation to access future careers and post 18 education in the field of Biology and beyond. We also believe it’s important to provide opportunities to build their scientific key skills.

  • Our units have been sequenced to ensure that learning builds in a logical way
  • Scientific skills continue to be developed, building on KS4
  • Preparation for examinations forms part our lessons – with technique and application modelled through teacher instruction
  • Explicitly teach working scientifically skills alongside theory during practical work, opportunities to develop these in the field

Biology Year 12 Curriculum Overview

Biology Year 13 Curriculum Overview

A Level Chemistry

The early part of the course is structured to build on key ideas and skills learned at KS4 so that students may learn to present and express their knowledge and understanding in a clear and logical way. Topics covered in Year 12 are revisited in Year 13 to further deepen understanding. Students will develop skills and confidence in safely using a range of practical techniques that will be new to them. They will be encouraged to take an interest in current affairs relating to chemistry and areas of active research.

Chemistry Year 12 Curriculum Overview

Chemistry Year 13 Curriculum Overview

A Level Physics

We aim to develop logical and critical thinkers who have a thirst for furthering their understanding of theoretical physics and its applications to their world around them. In particular:

  • Our units are sequenced to ensure that learning builds in a logical way
  • Our lessons include the revisiting of prior learning and links to other areas
  • We explicitly teach working scientifically skills alongside theory and practice applying this during practical work 
  • We develop study skills and independence in learning to prepare students for future study
  • We build in discussion of applications of the physics studies to careers, technology and areas of active research, with opportunities to visit centres of research or technological development

Physics Year 12 Curriculum Overview

Physics Year 13 Curriculum Overview

BTEC Forensic Science

We first introduce forensics to our students in the KS3 curriculum. Through this course we aim to build on their previous work, as well as capture their imagination and inspire them through introduction of new fields, such as etymology. The course challenges students by building on their GCSE knowledge and skills in the Core Science units, which are taught to A Level standard.

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