After the October half term holiday we will be running a parents’ group called Teen Triple P which is specifically designed for parents who have teenagers. The group starts on Tues 1 November 2016 at 7pm.
Teen Triple P is an 8-week programme for any parent/carer of a teenager. Groups are small (usually 8 – 10 parents/carers) and are made up of people who all want the same thing – to do the best for their teenagers and enjoy a happy family life.
Groups are run by two accredited facilitators. There are 4 x 2-hour groups sessions (held weekly), followed by three 15–30 minute weekly phone calls to discuss your progress and any concerns you may have, and then a final group session.
You will learn about:
- Effective parenting strategies
- How to promote your teenager’s development
- How to manage common teenage behavioural and emotional problems
- Principles to help you deal with almost any situation that may arise.
Parents/carers should be available to attend every session.
If you would like further details please contact Carolyn Haines, our Student Welfare Manager on 01926 405745 or [email protected].
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