As we end this term, I would like to thank everybody for their dedication and support to the school. It hasn’t been the easiest term for anybody at Myton but despite that, it has been successful and all our indicators tell us the school is taking big steps forward. This is only possible because of the resilience of our students who put up with an awful lot of upheaval including studying at home, the endless patience of our parents who had to put up with so much disruption over those first few weeks of term and the hard work of our staff, particularly those who have had to move out of lower school at such short notice.
When you come back in January, you will see that the work to construct our “modular village” will have started on our field. We look forward to seeing that progress at a rapid pace so we can make use of it as soon as possible. In terms of teaching and office space, it will be roughly the size of Coten End Primary so it is no easy undertaking (if you know our LINC building, that is 4 modules, the building on the field will be at least 108) and it will be of the highest quality. I will keep you updated on this and on any news about rebuilds etc in the new year.
Until then, thanks once again and have a lovely Christmas and New Year
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