Dear Parents and Carers
Over recent months discussions with local school leaders have started to reveal opportunities around our community which are really exciting. If we look at our little patch of Warwick we have to one side of us The Warwick Foundation consisting of Warwick Boys, King’s High and the Prep School all led by Richard Nicholson. To our other side we have The Evergreen Special School (brilliant school with a great coffee shop run by the students and open to the public) led by Nick Evans. Just over the park is Coten End Primary School led by Sarah Sheepy and on our site next year, before their relocation to the new site, is Oakley School led by Sarah Kaye. Also, to be built very soon, just on our back fence, is Myton Gardens Primary School which Stowe Valley Multi-Academy Trust have bid to run. The bid was led by Ranjit Samra, CEO of Stowe Valley, and involved all of the schools and Heads mentioned above. Next to the new Primary School an Alternative Provision Free School is planned, which will involve the leadership of Stephen Steinhaus who runs similar provisions in Solihull, and just along from there the athletics and sports facility is still planned which will be next to Leamington Football Club’s new ground.
All of these schools and facilities are within a 10-minute walk from each other and this creates wonderful opportunities. Furthermore, all the school leaders know each other and already work together. The culture of each of these schools and Stowe Valley, is one of collaboration and sharing the very best practice which is where opportunities come from. With all these different types of schools, the available facilities and the culture of working together with some innovative thinking and imagination, this small area of Warwick can be the very best place in the country to go to school for every single one of the around 8000 kids that we all educate together. And the exciting bit is that I know that all the other schools feel exactly the same way!
Best wishes
Andy Perry
Head Teacher