Dear Parents & Carers
My usual end-of-half-term weekly news thanks everybody for their hard work and wishes you all well for the week off school. A mere thanks for this half term doesn’t quite seem enough. Our students have adapted and shown resilience in getting back to their studies in new ways, especially Year 13 who have got stuck into their Teams lessons this last week or so; staff have adapted to the new scheduling, zoning and online lessons and have worked very hard to make sure learning time isn’t lost; and you have been very, very supportive as parents, sending really nice messages into school and showing incredible understanding when we have had to send home groups of students. I offer my very sincere thanks to all stakeholders of Myton School for making this half term successful.
As for next week, I do wish you well, but I do it with a touch of jealousy. I live in Sutton Coldfield which is under Tier 2 Covid restrictions, leaving us absolutely nothing to do. As you probably know, Tier 2 has all the restrictions of Tier 1 but with the big addition of no household mixing indoors anywhere in England. Therefore, I am looking forward to a nice week with my family, the announcement of which prompted a look of horror from my partner, and my son just looked yearningly at his Xbox. They both strongly suggested I would need to do some days in school, but we are closing down the site for deep cleaning, so no respite there. The list of jobs which has appeared on the fridge with my name on it now stretches onto a second side of A4. Suffice to say, I am already looking forward to coming back on 2 November.
What we should be doing in another world is going to Twickenham. We, and some other families whose kids play at Sutton Coldfield Rugby Club, all had tickets for the Rugby Premiership Final tomorrow. We have missed going to watch Wasps at the Ricoh this season since lockdown and were hoping restrictions would ease in time for the final at Twickenham. But no such luck. It would have been even better now that Wasps have made the final. However, it will still be a great match, albeit watching from the sofa rather than the stands. And as we have students at Myton whose parents work with Wasps and play for Wasps, we wish you the very best of luck for tomorrow.
Have a good week, best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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