Dear Parents and Carers
An interesting feature of the human memory is that in order to transfer information effectively into the long term memory, we need to go through a process of partially forgetting it and revisiting it up to 4 or 5 times. This diagram is called the ‘forgetting curve’ which shows how many days a typical memory will retain knowledge for if it isn’t then revisited. As you can see, by the fourth time the information is studied, it is well on the way to sticking. This, in a nutshell, is revision and why it is so important.
Equally important is understanding the difference between long-term and working memory and knowing some of the strategies to move information from one to the other. Here’s a short video (first video clip on how we learn) which gives a summary on how memory works and some of the key strategies to move information to long-term memory and then be able to retrieve it when it is needed, for example in an exam hall.
The video is the starting point of a huge topic, but it gives an idea of how revision can work for us and some tips on the best methods. We will be addressing these topics with students in school over this term, especially with our exam classes, but watching it with your child will give a head start.
With best wishes
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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