Dear Parents & Carers
This has been a very positive half term at Myton; I am delighted with how it has gone. Attendance is up, behaviour has improved and our progress data maintains its upward trend; all of which is exactly how we want it.
I am particularly pleased with those students who have achieved 100% attendance or who have improved their attendance from last year. We know that a key to success is resilience and that includes making sure attendance is as high as it can be. Obviously we don’t want students in school who are genuinely ill or injured (actual vomiting, a high temperature or a visibly broken bone were the three criteria my mum applied to me back in the dark ages), but everybody else should get on with school and get their mind off it.
We are seeing more resilience in the classroom too thanks to the Learning Pit ideas. Students who get stuck are beginning to get themselves unstuck through deeper thinking or their own research. Getting stuck is a key to learning. If students don’t get stuck they are probably not learning anything new; they should embrace it and make sure they find out what they need to by the time they leave the classroom.
The resilience of our Year 11s will be tested after half term as they head into their mock exams. They should see this as an opportunity to revise and try their best to do well. They should not get too caught up on grades; at this stage it should all be about how hard they try. If they revise, work hard and commit to these exams, we can develop them rapidly, regardless of the grade they get. If they do not revise and don’t commit to these exams, it is a lot harder to know what to do with them and impossible for them to know what they genuinely need to study. It is all about effort, if you try hard we can plan exactly what you need to do after the mocks to get the best grades possible.
Well done for this half term and best wishes to our Year 11s for their mocks.
Have a good half term.
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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