Dear Parents & Carers
Next week is a busy one. We have the Friends of Myton School (FOMS) AGM on Monday. The Friends of Myton School are a group of parents who raise money for resources over and above those which the school provides. In doing so, they improve the experience of all students in the school, who get to use the audio visual equipment in the music and drama departments, or the handheld devices in their maths lessons, for example. I would like to thank FOMS for their work over the last year and the time and effort they put into supporting Myton School. There will be numerous fundraising events throughout the year organised by FOMS and it is they who sell the refreshments at our productions and other evenings. If you are interested in joining FOMS please contact [email protected] or come along to the AGM at 7pm on Monday in our Conference Room.
On Wednesday we have the first event to celebrate Myton’s 50th birthday. We are looking forward to welcoming back some former students, giving them a tour of the school and a sneak preview of our Art Exhibition. This event is for people who were here in the first two decades of Myton from 1968 to 1988. If you know anybody who was a student here between these years who might like to join us on Wednesday evening, please ask them to contact us at [email protected].
And on Thursday it is our Open Evening where we can show off the school to prospective parents and students and boast about our excellent results. There will be lots going on; every department will be demonstrating what they do and we will have lots of current students to show people around and answer questions. For anyone who would like to see the school in action during a normal day, we are also scheduling a series of tours to take place throughout October – all the dates are listed on our website.
I look forward to welcoming all parents of primary-aged children on Open Evening or for a tour (or both). Please do pass on these details to neighbours who may not receive these newsletters and are contemplating Myton School for their child.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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