Dear Parents and Carers
As we approach the end of one year, we start planning for the next. Like most large organisations, we can be proud of having reached some of our goals, for example: Ofsted upgrading us to ‘Good’ and ‘Outstanding’, and internal data showing that our outcomes are improving. However, we are aware of the work that still needs to be done in many other areas.
A key word in secondary school planning is consistency. Our plans are designed to take the very best of what we do and make sure that it is standard in all our classrooms every day. We are also planning for consistency in how our students approach each other: developing activities and lessons which promote understanding, value and respect for all. And, as ever, we are looking for consistency in uniform – our focus in September will be on footwear (black, leather or leather-style, not trainers or anything like trainers) and skirts (length and style). Please check the uniform page on the website before you buy anything this summer.
Finally, I would like to thank all our stakeholders for their support in making 2017-18 such a positive year. Our students have worked hard and been great company (although the atmosphere has been a bit flat since Wednesday night’s football), our staff have been as dedicated as ever in getting the best out of each and every child, and I would also like to thank you – our parents and carers – for your invaluable support this year.
I look forward to September with a real sense of optimism – although I am also looking forward to the summer break.
Wishing you all a good summer.
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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