Dear Parents and Carers
Well done to all those students who received merit certificates in assemblies this week. Students received either a bronze (25 merits), a silver (50 merits) or a gold (100 merits) award. You will have seen in your child’s pocket diary that each week they receive a sticker showing the running total of merits. For all students who haven’t yet received a certificate, there is still the opportunity to work towards it when they come back to school next half term.
We’ve seen some great work in school this week. Our Year 11 Food Preparation and Nutrition students have been doing their GCSE controlled assessments. These assessments are a chance for students to show off their skills and knowledge. I’m sure you’ll agree, these dishes look delicious and wouldn’t look out of place in a restaurant setting.
Our Year 10 Triple Science students have been modelling neurons for this week’s home learning. A lot of hard work has gone into some of these creations, and students have shown their knowledge of the structure of a neuron with some very impressive results.
I wish you all a safe and relaxing half term.
Andy Perry – Head Teacher
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